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Russian Federation swift codes - Russian Federation bic bank codes

This is an effective decision which allows to focus financial streams. It leads to simplification of an operational environment of work of the organisation and cuts expenses on the maintenance of two various technical infrastructures. Connection to SWIFTNet FIN opens a way to use of advantages of other possibilities: such for example as control facilities of a network SLA and the improved support services. FIN is basic service SWIFT for message transfer. Over 7 500 financial institutions more than in 200 countries use FIN for the protected exchange of the financial information reliable and economically effective. In this case the connecting organisation bears full responsibility before SWIFT for the organisation of safe work of the connected User. The Service bureau has no right to send and receive SWIFT-message on behalf of its own so that excludes a competition with the financial organisations. It was founded in 1973; cofounders was 239 banks from 15 countries. Connection process to the SWIFT network consists of two stages: The introduction of the financial organisation into SWIFT SCRL associates (registration of a package of documents and its sending in SWIFT) 1. Filling and sending an opening statement to SWIFT (SWIFT Undertaking). 2. Filling of introductory documents in the electronic form (the contract on the software forms of the order of the equipment of safety etc.). 3. Sending of confirmation of readiness of bank in SWIFT (Readiness Confirmation).

  • Vladimir Legion Bank LLC LEGIRUM1VLD
  • Pushkino Legion Bank LLC LEGIRUM1PSH
  • Penza Legion Bank LLC LEGIRUM1PNZ
  • Norilsk Legion Bank LLC LEGIRUM1NRL
  • Moscow Legprombank Commercial Bank CLIDRUM1XXX
  • ST Petersburg Lenstroymaterialy Brokerage AO LEBRRU21XXX
  • Moscow LLC Credit Suisse Securities Moscow CRESRUMSXXX
  • Moscow Locko Bank CLOKRUMMXXX
  • Moscow Long Term Credit Bank LCJCRUM1XXX
  • Moscow LTD Liability Company Commer Bank 039 Hellenic Bank 039 HEBARUMMXXX
  • Kaliningrad Maritime Bank Branch of Kaliningrad MABLRU21XXX
  • Moscow Mass Media Bank JCMMRUM1XXX