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Russian Federation swift codes - Russian Federation bic bank codes

There are two schemes of connection to SWIFT network: own connection and collective. Combination of SWIFTNet and SWIFTNet FIN also is a step on a way to reduction of complexity of means of operational processing (financial transactions) and movement towards their optimisation. One SWIFT terminal established at the client is used for an exchange of internal and international messages with all serving banks. Message transmission services SWIFTNet offer protected interactive (in a real time mode) exchange of messages the file transfer mechanism and the mechanism of interactive access to the data (browsing) based on use of SWIFTNet Link (SNL) and SWIFTNet Public Key Infrastructure (PKI) - the necesary for safety SWIFT software. The Service bureau is the non-financial organisation created under direct control and annual audit by SWIFT (Belgium). Theoretically for payment fulfilment in Europe it is enough to know a SWIFT code of a bank and IBAN code of the addressee. Way to the further perfection and decrease in expenses Special service of SWIFT - MACUG (Member Administered Closed User Group - the Closed group of users under the direction of Member of SWIFT) was created for this purpose.

  • Blagoveshchensk FAR Eastern Commercial Bank OAO FAECRU8KBLG
  • Moscow Federal Bank FOR Innovation and Development FEIDRUMMXXX
  • Moscow Federal Bank of Development Joint Stock Commercial Bank FDJSRUM1XXX
  • Togliatti FIA Bank FIAFRU3TXXX
  • ST Petersburg Financial House Clearing Center FHCCRU21XXX
  • Moscow Financial Standard CB OOO COLDRUMMXXX
  • ST Petersburg Finansovyj Kapital FIAIRU2PXXX
  • Moscow First Capital Bank FCAPRUMMXXX
  • Moscow First Czech Russian Bank LLC FICHRUMMXXX
  • Moscow Flora Moscow OAO CFLORUMMXXX
  • Novokuznetsk Forbank Commercial Bank OAO FCOARU51NSK
  • Barnaul Forbank Commercial Bank OAO FCOARU51XXX