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Russian Federation Sosnogorsk swift codes - Russian Federation Sosnogorsk bic bank codes

The integrated package of administered services of transfer of the formalized messages FIN is basic service SWIFT for message transfer. Over 7 500 financial institutions more than in 200 countries use FIN for the protected exchange of the financial information reliable and economically effective. Realisation of SWIFTNet FIN is an investment into the future which offers the full integrated package of operated transmission media of the formalized messages for the industry of financial services: After events on September 11th 2001 CIA and the Treasury Department of the US have got access to the financial information of SWIFT network for the purpose of tracing of possible financial transactions of terrorists. Scheme of Shared Connection is developed by SWIFT for connection of affiliated organisations by parent organisation though it can be used by the foreign financial organisations. Connection process to the SWIFT network consists of two stages: The introduction of the financial organisation into SWIFT SCRL associates (registration of a package of documents and its sending in SWIFT) 1. Filling and sending an opening statement to SWIFT (SWIFT Undertaking). 2. Filling of introductory documents in the electronic form (the contract on the software forms of the order of the equipment of safety etc.). 3. Sending of confirmation of readiness of bank in SWIFT (Readiness Confirmation). SWIFT (Society for Worldwide Interbank Financial Telecommunications) - the international interbank system of information transfer and fulfilment of payments.

  • Sosnogorsk Severgazbank SGAZRU21SNG