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Russian Federation swift codes - Russian Federation bic bank codes

Way to the further perfection and decrease in expenses Special service of SWIFT - MACUG (Member Administered Closed User Group - the Closed group of users under the direction of Member of SWIFT) was created for this purpose. For reduction of cost of connection and the costs connected both with a technical aspect and with management of SWIFT complex Service bureaus will be organised in the countries . Migration from connections to FIN on X.25 to SWIFTNet FIN will allow both to users and most SWIFT to cut the expenses by refusal of use of network X.25 and the out-of-date technologies accompanying the given protocol that already takes place in some countries. Each bank included in system has unique SWIFT code. Own connection.Creation of own hardware-software complex of SWIFT CBT (Computer Based Terminal) the connected user established directly in user's territory. Message transmission services SWIFTNet offer protected interactive (in a real time mode) exchange of messages the file transfer mechanism and the mechanism of interactive access to the data (browsing) based on use of SWIFTNet Link (SNL) and SWIFTNet Public Key Infrastructure (PKI) - the necesary for safety SWIFT software. This system will allow the users working only with FIN to move to the category of those who already has access to SWIFTNet and is familiar with new technologies and products that considerably facilitates their connection to additional services of SWIFTNet in the future;

  • Saratov Saratov Regional Commercial Bank FOR Social Sphereconto CKONRU21XXX
  • Moscow Satf Bank SATFRUMMXXX
  • Moscow Sberbank SABRRUMMKEY
  • Ekaterinburg Sberbank SABRRUMMEA1
  • Moscow Sberbank SABRRUMM012
  • Moscow Sberbank SABRRUMM011
  • Barnaul Sberbank SABRRUMMAC1
  • Irkutsk Sberbank Baikalsky Head Office SABRRU66XXX
  • Chita Sberbank Baikalsky Head Office SABRRU66CHT
  • Blagoveshchensk Sberbank Dalnevostochny Head Office SABRRU8KBLG
  • Khabarovsk Sberbank Dalnevostochny Head Office SABRRU8KXXX
  • Ussuriysk Sberbank Dalnevostochny Head Office SABRRU8KUSR